Prenatal /Postnatal Yoga
Prenatal yoga helps mamas stay present in their changing bodies and helps improve the nervous system by calming the mind, which helps to facilitate pain management during labor.
This class is also a wonderful postnatal yoga class for mamas that have recently has their baby and looking for a gentle way to reconnect with their bodies post-baby.
Core Restore & Play
With a focus on your core and pelvic floor, this class focuses on re-strengthening your body post-baby. Learn exercises that can help to strengthen abdominal connective tissues and ways to modify the exercise for your body. Children are always welcome to play while you exercise.
Roll & Tone
Roll & Tone is a fun, full-body workout designed for parents who want to stay active and strong while bonding with their babies. This class combines cardio with targeted strength and toning exercises, using a variety of equipment (strollers, wagons, push cars/bikes) along with resistance bands to keep both you and your little one engaged and energized.We will meet in the parking lot, at the back of Nature's Playhouse. Pre Registration is required. In inclement weather, classes will take place indoors without strollers.
A unique class to Nature's Playhouse. Traditionally, our yoga/play classes are geared towards caregivers who want a unique and fun way to introduce small children to yoga, and deepen the bond between you and your child! Practice yoga while your child enjoys playing with our toys or practicing yoga by your side. Our Yoga Play classes are perfect for beginners or those with prior yoga experience, as our teachers will offer modifications for all levels.
Baby & Me Yoga
This class is a post-natal yoga class for parents/caregivers and their babies(from 6 weeks to early walkers). It is designed as a way for mamas and other caregivers, to strengthen and tone their bodies gently, while bonding with their baby. Regardless of how your baby was born, vaginally, cesarean section or adopted, both parent and baby will both benefit from this class.
Pilates & Play
Pilates can be a performative display! These classes are meant to be a fun environment for our varying ability to bend, twist, & more. Since everyone is at their own skill level, kids are encouraged to join! Megan structures the class routine ‘like an onion’ starting with basic movements & layering-on levels of challenge as time goes on. She teaches the body awareness needed to move with intention & proper form. If you want power over how you move & feel in your body, then this class is for YOU!
Fit & Play
This class is a total fitness program that caregivers can do while their babies or little ones play in our space. Including intervals of strength and body toning exercises while using exercise resistance bands.
Restorative Yoga
Restorative yoga is a restful practice. In this class, postures are held for 5 or more minutes and supported with the use of props - blankets, bolsters, pillows and blocks. This class is designed to encourage a relaxation response to the nervous system and cultivate inner awareness. All levels of experience are welcome..

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