For Parents
Early Childhood Consultations
The toddler and preschool years of a child's development are both joyful and challenging years for parents. Young children's behavior - which can be out-of-bounds and overwhelming - can be hard to make sense of. Addressing the behavior in a developmentally and respectful way, while holding the limits we've set, is not intuitive for most parents. Our credentialed consultants offer guidance to help parents who feel stuck. Common challenge areas include setting limits; making daily transitions easier; determining appropriate expectations for potty training, mealtime, bath time, bedtime, playtime; how to deal with your child's big emotions; how to talk to children about challenging topics; how to deal with a big change in the family; and more. Consultants also specialize in state licensing regulations, early childhood program development, and workforce development for early childhood education.
Rate: Video calls $75/hr; $50/half hour
Early Childhood Consultants
Jamie Solomon
Early Childhood Consultant
Fatherhood Consulting Services
Fatherhood Consultant
The journey from Manhood to Fatherhood can be challenging. There is little support for men confronting the emotional demands of becoming a Father. The journey is uniquely different for new Dads, new-again Dads, Foster and Adopted Dads. I work to provide information, resources and support while supporting Fathers navigating the range of emotions that this journey brings. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to talk about fatherhood. I'm looking forward to listening to your stories. I know that your child is already so fortunate that they have you, Dad!
Rate: $75/hr; $50/half hour
Bomani Gray
Fatherhood Coordinator

For Professionals
Reflective Supervision
Group Reflective Supervision is a regular meeting of a consistent group of people facilitated by a Reflective Supervising Consultant to explore a supervisee’s experience of their work in order to inform their work. Creating a habit of reflection, and a comfortable regular place for it in our schedules, allows for many benefits for the work, the group, and the individual. The group format allows opportunities to share varied perspectives on the work and on the patterns that emerge through reflective practice. It also provides peer support and a stronger holding environment for more difficult parts of the work.
Individual Supervision
Nature's Playhouse offers supervision for limited licensed social workers. Supervisors are level four endorsed infant mental health providers. Supervision provided will also fulfill requirements for those seeking or maintaining the early childhood clinical endorsements for reflective supervision.
Rate: Video calls $100/2hr; group session, $100-175/hr; individual session
Master’s Level Internships
Building community includes providing educational opportunities for those preparing to serve families and young children. Master’s level internships at Nature’s Playhouse provide those pursuing jobs in the field of social work and community support services with opportunities to help families in the Metro Detroit area. Interns should expect to work with and learn from licensed social workers, education specialists, and families in the perinatal and early childhood period. Those interested in internships should fill out the form below.
For Non-Profits
Free Perinatal Mental Health Inservice training
Members of the Nature's Playhouse clinical team provide free 30-45min in-service or virtual training for organizations seeking to support the perinatal mental health needs of families, including strengthening resources, referrals, advocacy, and education surrounding those struggling with perinatal mood and anxiety disorders.
Provided by Nature’s Playhouse Licensed Clinicians

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