Stephanie López Gilmore, Director of Equity and Engagement

Stephanie is a mom and exercise specialist that's qualified to provide you with safe and effective exercises from pre-conception and beyond. When I was pregnant with my son I made the decision to continue to prioritize fitness and healthy eating because I knew the benefit to me (and the baby).Thankfully exercise was a daily part of my pregnancy. I worked out 5-6 days a week, taught classes virtually, and even did 3 workouts the night before I gave birth to help induce labor. 

There are real benefits to exercising during pregnancy and I want to help you determine what’s safe for you and baby.  There are also real needs that we have as moms after having a baby, like needing a way to boost our mood and energy.

Staying fit during and after your pregnancy is not about the snap back, but about building healthy habits that will make you feel great inside and out. It's about allowing your body to heal and become stronger both mentally and physically. It's also about accepting that your body has gone through a lot in 9 months and that it will take time to heal and get back to your previous activities. 

My social media handles are all: Stephanie López Gilmore. Feel free to email or message me on Facebook.

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