Coping With Seasonal Depression

As we get into December with the days being shorter and colder, many begin to dread the impending winter. Here in Michigan winter is not a small feat with the cold and snow hanging on for months and anticipation of extreme weather. Winter can feel isolating, especially for new parents.

As new parents we worry about the constant influx of germs for our little ones. It’s also harder to get out of home with anticipation of poor weather conditions. Healthy self care activities like going on walks and getting fresh air seem more cumbersome when it involves bundling up our little ones.

While many dread the Michigan winters, some will struggle with seasonal depression. Postpartum parents who might already be struggling emotionally may find the winter especially isolating. A few symptoms of seasonal depression include: loss of interest in activities that one normally finds enjoyable, feeling down more days than not, and loss of energy.

As winter approaches, forming some healthy self care strategies can be crucial. While it might seem contradictory to the cold weather, getting outdoors can be helpful to manage your mood. Michigan can be cold one day and warm the next, even in winter! It can be good to take advantage of these sunny days and mild days and get out for a walk!

It’s good to find enjoyable outdoor activities, even in winter! Remember being a child and loving the snow? Consider taking your little one outside and playing in the snow! Parents with older kids can also explore activities such as sledding, ice skating, and building a snowman!

It can also be good to find enjoyable indoor activities. Winter can be a good time to check out museums or other indoor activities. Nature’s Playhouse offers indoor activities for families with small children such as drop-in play, little explorers, yoga play and more! You can also check out the programs at your local library.

Can’t get out of the house? Winter can also be a good time to find enjoyable indoor activities to do at home. This can include crafts, board games, or catching up on your favorite movies or shows!

If you feel your mood continues to struggle, professional help might be needed. Counseling can be a good resource to work on coping skills to manage your mood. Nature’s Playhouse offers counseling specializing in adjusting to parenting whether it is pregnancy or postpartum. This includes individual counseling and free support groups. You can also check with your insurance provider for referrals for local counseling resources.

Resources: To learn more about Nature’s Playhouse’s resources see our webpage at

Liz Bayer