Juliana Schewe-Jackson, Director of Fitness & Education


E-RYT, RPYT, RCYT, YACEP, Certified MUTU Pro, Dancing for Birth™ Instructor, Zumbini®

Juliana is a mother to two spirited children who are her greatest teachers and inspirations in life. She has masters degrees in Fine Arts and in Art Education, and she’s currently a public school art educator. 

Juliana is a trained Anusara-Inspired Yoga teacher whose playful and creative classes weave together metaphor, philosophy and principles of alignment. Her classes are infused with her effervescent personality and encouraging nature. As a visual artist and belly dancer, Juliana was drawn to yoga as a means of harnessing her creative energy, to alleviate stress and to deepen her awareness of the anatomy and movement of the body. She specializes in prenatal and postnatal yoga and movement. She completed her prenatal yoga training through Mindful Mamas Prenatal Yoga School and she completed her MUTU Pro Training, a fitness program designed to support moms physically, as she wants the mamas and mamas-to-be in her classes to be supported fully in their prenatal or postnatal journey.  She has also been belly dancing for over 22 years and belly danced throughout her entire first and second pregnancies, as well as through first stage labor.

Having young children and being a classroom educator, Juliana is constantly learning and believes herself to be a student for life. She completed a Children’s Yoga Teacher Training with a trauma informed component, through Yoga Ed. as she believes that every student and child could use tools in their lives to help them navigate their emotions, stress and anxiety.

Yoga, belly dance and art are a way of life for Juliana. As a mother, she is committed to living her life with compassion and awareness, in order to create a strong foundation for her family and the global community to flourish.